"I recently had the pleasure of working with Ally (Findeiss) Bee to develop my companies new website and marketing campaign. Ally turned out a fantastic product and branding I am truly proud of. I have received a lot of positive feedback from other professionals in my field. Ally engaged my business plan with incredible ownership and this made me feel like I was being taken care of."
Marc Kantor, Interventionist
South Florida Intervention
- Branding South Florida Intervention & Get Help for Addiction
- Website Design, Development & Maintenance
- Advertising & Billboard Design
- Brand Consulting
- HubSpot Implementation
- Social Media & Newsletter Design
- Brand Awareness Strategy for South Florida Addiction Interventionist
Marc Kantor wanted to found his brand as a new interventionist in South Florida. he did not come with a vision for his logo.
Created descriptive and minimalist logo. The symbolism to visually displaying vice and recognizable symbols for various types of addiction alcohol and drugs by means of injecting heroin or drinking out of a beer bottle, or painkiller pills it might invoke emotions.